Wonde Valid Contacts Report Example

Valid Contacts shows you all the contacts that have been synced through by Wonde, with all of their details such as Email, Mobile, Address, Student(s) linked, and more. “Mobile Number / Email Address”: {         “id“: “AXXXXXXXXX”,         “mis_id”: “XXX”,         “upi”: “XXXXXXXXX”,         “title”: “Mr / Mrs”,         “initials”: “XX”,         “surname“: “Xxxxx”,         […]

Wonde Student Report Example

Student Contacts show you the list of Students that have been synced through by Wonde. It will also show information such as what Classes and Year Groups they have been linked to. Below is some example content that will be generated by the report: “AXXXXXXX”,         “upi”: “XXXX”,         “mis_id”: “XXXX”,         “initials”: ,         […]

Wonde Deletions Report Example

The Deletions Report shows you a list of contacts that have been deleted within the Control Centre. “Wonde ID”,”Schoolzine ID”,Type,”Deleted At” AXXXXXXX,3349,contact,”2019-09-30 11:55:24.000000” AXXXXXXX,3811,contact,”2019-11-05 13:49:47.000000” AXXXXXXX,3812,contact,”2019-11-05 13:49:47.000000“ Above is sample output information generated for a Deletions Report. This shows which contact was Deleted and When. The Wonde ID field is linked to Code Field in […]

Wonde Duplicates Report Example

To maintain the accuracy and integrity of the data in your MIS, Schoolzine provides you with a report that identifies records which have duplicate data. Schoolzine will not import contacts with the same email as this is the unique identifier used throughout the Schoolzine platform. All contacts must have their own unique email address. The […]

Wonde Integration Guide

The following guide will provide you with information regarding the Wonde Sync Process and Bringing Your Data into the Control Centre.

For more information on this process, please read the following article.