The Federation of Parents and Friends in Catholic Schools Queensland has been working with Schoolzine for the past nine years. During this time we have assisted Schoolzine in turning an idea into a platform. One that specifically meets the needs of schools. Education departments all over the world are building complex cloud based portals and administration systems but they have not been able to solve the challenge of parent engagement to the extent that Schoolzine does. The issue of how to effectively communicate and engage parents of school aged children is a global challenge but one that has great benefits to our children if achieved. Schoolzine is uniquely placed in the education sector and in my opinion is another example of a home grown Australian company with a global opportunity. Schoolzine has shown itself to not only be a regional employer of youth but a company committed to providing work experience and internships to students looking to gain experience before entering the workforce. Our Federation will continue to assist Schoolzine in their growth, including introductions to our network overseas.