Preparing Videos for use in Schoolzine

Whilst the Schoolzine product umbrella supports video integration allowing them to be embedded or including them as a link, it is recommended that you are prior hosting them on a dedicated video hosting service rather than having them as a ‘download’ in your content.

Schoolzine recommends to use an existing hosting service such as YouTube (recommended) or Vimeo to host the original video. Whilst you can also use other hosting services such as Facebook, Wistia or Panopto, these services may only be able to be included as a link and not embedded into your content.

As a general rule for hosting of videos and accounts, we always recommend not to host any videos from ‘personal’ accounts, and instead opt for a department or School collaborative account, which will allow for a much smoother change of ownership as well as management of videos if you are required to remove or replace videos. It is also recommended to also chat to your IT department and/or education department to confirm the process for creation.

YouTube Videos

The uploading of videos to a YouTube account is an easy process and is the recommended option from Schoolzine.

NOTE: Once you have hosted your video it is always recommended to preview it, where you can also copy the URL for the video for use in the Schoolzine Control Centre.

Privacy Settings

The privacy settings on your YouTube video is recommended to be set to Unlisted in order to remove the videos from being able to be searched by the public.

NOTE: Do not set your video to Private, as this will mean no one can view unless they are logged into your YouTube videos.

Vimeo Videos

Vimeo accounts function very similar to the YouTube Accounts for the process of uploading, however it is important to note that depending on the size of your videos, there may be a charge involved for uploading of your content. If you’re a Basic user, you’ll see an upload quota limit of 500MB per week, up to 5GB total account storage.

NOTE: Once you have hosted your video it is always recommended to preview it, where you can also copy the URL for the video for use in the Schoolzine Control Centre.

Other Videos

If you are hosting your video from another source, it is important to note that you may not have the ability to Embed your video in your content and instead will have to use the URL from the video and populate it as a link or button. It is also recommended when you are viewing a specific video that you are opening it in an incognito browser/different browser or even forwarding it to another colleague to confirm that you are not required to be logged in to view the video which could cause viewing issues for your community.

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