Adding a Gallery

Galleries are a great way to capture an event and ensure your newsletter content is engaging. The Schoolzine System allows you to easily create galleries for Articles, Content Holders and Events. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to create your gallery.

A screenshot of a Gallery in a Newsletter

Adding a Gallery to an Article

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Content menu tab.
  2. Select Articles, click the New Article button and populate the Title Field.
  3. Apply a Tag if relevant, select a Publish Date if you do not want your article to appear straight away and select the relevant options for your Linked Newsletters or Linked Streams. (optional)
  4. To add your gallery you can do so via one of the following options:
    – Select the Insert tab located in the top menu ribbon and click the Gallery option.
    – Select the Add Gallery icon located on the left side of the top menu ribbon.
    Right Click in the content window and select the Gallery option.
  5. From the prompt window, click Create New and fill in the Folder Name which will be the name of your gallery.
  6. Insert your images through the Choose Files button or drag and drop the images into the box below it.
  7. Once images have been chosen, click the Create Gallery button.
  8. Once the images are uploaded a Gallery Id will be generated.
    eg. {! gallery_by_id; # !}
  9. Click the Insert button and this will add the gallery to your Article.
  10. Once saved you will be able to view your gallery by clicking View Article.

Adding a Gallery to an Event

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Events menu tab.
  2. Click the New Event button and populate the Name Field.
  3. Apply a Tag to your event, select the Calendar you wish the event to appear in and select the relevant options for your Linked Newsletters or Linked Streams. (optional)
  4. Select a Start and End date for the event.
  5. To add your gallery you can do so via one of the following options:
    – Select the Insert tab located in the top menu ribbon and click the Gallery option.
    – Select the Add Gallery icon located on the left side of the top menu ribbon.
    Right Click in the content window and select the Gallery option.
  6. From the prompt window, click Create New and fill in the Folder Name which will be the name of your gallery.
  7. Insert your images through the Choose Files button or drag and drop the images into the box below it.
  8. Once images have been chosen, click the Create Gallery button.
  9. Once the images are uploaded a Gallery Id will be generated.
    eg. {! gallery_by_id; # !}
  10. Click the Insert button and this will add the gallery to your Event.
  11. Once saved you will be able to view your gallery by clicking View Event.

Adding a Gallery to a Content Holder

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Content menu tab.
  2. Select Content Holders, click the New Content Holder button and populate the Name Field.
  3. Apply a Title (generally the same as the Name), Tag and weighting (if neccessary).
  4. To add your gallery you can do so via one of the following options:
    – Select the Insert tab located in the top menu ribbon and click the Gallery option.
    – Select the Add Gallery icon located on the left side of the top menu ribbon.
    Right Click in the content window and select the Gallery option.
  5. From the prompt window, click Create New and fill in the Folder Name which will be the name of your gallery.
  6. Insert your images through the Choose Files button or drag and drop the images into the box below it.
  7. Once images have been chosen, click the Create Gallery button.
  8. Once the images are uploaded a Gallery Id will be generated.
    eg. {! gallery_by_id; # !}
  9. Click the Insert button and this will add the gallery to your Content Holder.
  10. Click Save.

Adding a Gallery to a Schoolzine Built Newsletter

  1. Include all the relevant images in a singular folder.
  2. Add this folder to your main ‘Images’ folder.
  3. In your Word Document, reference the folder using the image/attachment style. (include a Gallery Title if required)
Referencing a Gallery in a Word Document

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