Installing and using the Image ReSZizer
As you will be uploading content to your Control Centre, the file size of your images is very important. Large files may experience lengthy upload times and your community will also experience a delay when loading the Newsletter. We recommend you download the Image ReSZizer to process your images. This software is free and allows […]
Converting images for use in Schoolzine
The following guide will provide you with information regarding Converting images for use in Schoolzine.
For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Schoolzine Image ReSZizer for Mac
The following guide will provide you with information regarding the Installation and Usage of the Schoolzine Image Resizer (reSZizer) for Mac.
For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Schoolzine Image ReSZizer for Windows
The following guide will provide you with information regarding the Installation and Usage of the Schoolzine Image Resizer (ReSZizer) for Windows.
For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Supported Browsers
The following guide will provide you with information regarding Supported Browsers fort he Control Centre.
For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Schoolzine Training Session Guide
A training session can be used to run you through the features and services that are available to you within your Schoolzine account as well as answer any questions you might have. Schoolzine’s famous training and support is ongoing and can be booked with a member of our team for a 30 minute session to run through any questions you may have.
For more information on this process, please read the following article.