Creating a DIY eNewsletter

To begin building your DIY newsletter, you’ll first need to create it within the Control Centre.

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the eNewsletters tab.
  2. Click the New Newsletter button at the top of the page.
  3. The Newsletter Title field should be populated by the name of the newsletter.
  4. Click the Publication box and select the Publication for this newsletter.
    Note: This will likely be named School Newsletter.
  5. Under Advanced Settings, Set the Publish Date and Time fields for your newsletter.
    Note: These fields will default to the current date and time if no action is taken.
  6. Click Save.

Handy Hints

  • Custom URL (web address) is for advanced users, and can be used to render your newsletter on a specific sub address within your account.
  • Table of Contents is an Index of articles that displays at the top of the newsletter. This is turned on by default.
  • Newsletter Filter will add a filter tab to the top right of the newsletter. Expand this to search for Keywords or Tags within your newsletter.
  • Hide Archive can be used for special editions of your newsletter, that you would like to ommit from the regular Newsletter Archive page.

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