Creating a SZapp Tile for your Booking Session

Copying your Session URL (web address)

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Session Keeper menu tab.
  2. Click on the Session Name.
  3. Click on the Session URL (web address) under the Session Name.
  4. Select Session in the top righthand side of the page.
  5. Copy the URL (web address) in the address bar at the top of your page.

NOTE: you can also link to directly to a specific session by using the Session link such as the example below: URL of a SessionKeeper Session

Creating a SZapp tile with your Session URL (web address)

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Manage SZapp menu tab.
  2. Select the Tiles Tab and click New Tile.
  3. Populate the Page Title and App Icon fields.
    Note: Colouring can also be applied in this interface.
  4. Paste your Session URL (web address) in the URL field.
  5. Click Save.
  6. The page will then refresh to confirm your changes.
Creating a SZapp tile for your Session

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