Creating Articles


The Schoolzine system allows you to easily create and share articles with your community. You can do this through outbound communications such as Newsflashes, SZapp Push notifications, Streams and DIY eNewsletters.

Articles can be linked to multiple Streams and Newsletters, as well as can be filtered and sorted via Tags. Time sensitive information such as School awards can have a delayed Publish Date, or you can set a Close Date for information that is no longer relevant.

Article Overview

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Content menu tab.
  2. Once expanded, select Articles.
  3. You will be presented with an overview of the articles within your system. Here you can quickly review information about each article.

Field Description


The name of your article.

Created: The creation date of the article.

Tags: The tag/s applied to your article.

Status: If your system allows for members of the public to submit articles, they will be marked as Unapproved until you review and approve the article. Any article created through the admin system will automatically be marked as Approved.

Source: Indicates whether or not the article is community submitted.

Bulk Actions


Bulk Actions allows you to quickly apply a specified action to multiple articles simultaneously, such as deleting, approving, adding or removing a tag and linking or unlinking publications.

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Content menu tab.
  2. Once expanded, select Articles.
  3. Search for the articles you would like to apply the action to.
    Note: You can filter articles by tags, approved/unapproved or publication.
  4. If you only need to select certain articles, use the tick boxes on the left hand side to choose the articles you wish to action. If you want to use all the articles listed leave the tick boxes blank.
  5. Under the Bulk Actions section, click the –Select Action– drop down and select the action.
  6. Select Go. When a popup window appears, follow the prompts.

Adding an Article

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select Content.
  2. Once expanded, select Articles.
  3. Click the + New Article button.
  4. Fill in the Title for your article.
    Note: If you are still working on your article and do not want it available to the public yet, you can unselect the Approved checkbox.
  5. If you have a sizeable article you will be able to select the Expandable checkbox, which will place a ‘Read More’ button in the corner of your article.  This will also display a small preview of the content.
  6. If required, a Tag can be applied to your article.
  7. If you do not wish for your article to appear straight away, you can select a Publish Date. A Closing Date can be populated if you wish for an item to no longer display for the community.
    Note: You will not be able to preview this article until the publish date.
  8. If you wish to add the article to an already created DIY Newsletter, you can select it from the Linked Newsletters dropdown.
  9. You can apply a stream from the Linked Streams if you wish for the article to be applied to your News Stream.
  10. You can apply Weighting to the article to adjust the position in the Noticeboard Section or when searching for it in your stream.
    Note: The higher the number assigned to the weighting field, the more important it is.
  11. Compose your Article Content and apply styling using the toolbar menu to insert Images, Hyperlinks, Videos, Galleries and other content.
  12. The Article Summary is only required if you would like to display a summarized version of your content (For display in the ‘Noticeboard’ section of your Newsletter).
  13. Fill in any other Advanced fields from the dropdowns, including Contact Person details, Location Details, and Supporting Files such as images or flyers if required.
    Note: These are not mandatory.
  14. Once you have populated your content, select Save.

Quick tips

  • To place articles in the Noticeboard section of your newsletter, you will need to apply the Noticeboard
  • You can apply multiple tags to an article.

Editing an Article

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select Content.
  2. Once expanded, select Articles.
  3. Click on the Title of the article you would like to edit.
  4. Select the Edit Article button.
  5. Make the changes you require and select Save

Show Blocks

Sometimes multiple edits can result in extra code snippets being added to your article. By selecting ‘Show Blocks’ under the Tools drop down menu, you will be able to see each of the code elements within your article.

Show Blocks

Tag Selector

At the bottom of your Editor you have access to a tool called the Tag Selector. This allows you to easily select code elements within your Article. Simply click the code element you wish to edit/remove to select it.

Tag Selector

Deleting an Article

Deleting an article will also delete it from any Streams, Newsletters, and will affect any outbound communication that is referencing this article.

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select Content.
  2. Once expanded, select Articles.
  3. Click on the Title of the article you would like to Delete.
  4. Select the Delete Article button.
  5. Select OK from the prompt window.

Quick Adding Articles

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select eNewsletters.
  2. Then click the Newsletter Name that you would like to add content to OR create a New Newsletter
  3. Click the Quick Add Article button.
  4. Populate your Article Title into the prompt window, and select a Publish Date if you do not wish for your article to appear straight away.
  5. If you have a sizeable article you will be able to select the Expandable checkbox which will place a ‘Read More’ button in the corner of your article, whilst displaying a small preview of the content.
  6. If required, a Tag can be applied to your article.
  7. Compose your Article Content and apply styling using the toolbar menu to insert Images, Hyperlinks, Videos, Galleries and other content.
  8. Once you have populated your content, select Save.

Copying an Article

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Content menu tab.
  2. Once expanded, select Articles.
  3. Click Name of the Article you would like to copy.
  4. Select the Copy button to create a duplicate of this Article.
  5. You will be redirected to the duplicate article where you can amend the content and link it to relevant Newsletters and Streams.

Linked Newsletters

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Content menu tab.
  2. Once expanded, select Articles.
  3. Click Name of the Article you would like to view.
  4. The Linked Newsletters field will list the Newsletters your article is linked to.
    Note: You can click on the name of the newsletter to go to that newsletter in your account.
Linked Newsletters field

Linking an Article to a Newsletter

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select eNewsletters.
  2. Then click the Newsletter Name that you would like to add content to OR create a New Newsletter
  3. Under the Newsletter Content Section, use the Link Article button and select the item from your content library.


If you make any changes to Articles linked to more than one newsletter, it will adjust in all linked newsletters. If you want to make changes to one instance of the article you can copy the article and link the duplicate, See Copying an Article.

Filtering by Author

When linking an article, you can filter by the author of the article. Using the My Articles checkbox you can quickly see all articles you have created. You can also untick the box searching through all articles, or filter by any other authors in your account.


Unlinking an Article via a Newsletter

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select eNewsletters.
  2. Then click the Newsletter Name that you would like to unlink content from.
  3. Under the Newsletter Content Section, use the chain icon from the Unlink column to remove the article from the Newsletter. The article will remain your content library.

Unlinking an Article from a Stream

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select Streams.
  2. Then click the Stream Name that you would like to unlink content from.
  3. Under the Linked Content Section, use the chain icon from the Unlink column to remove the article from the Stream. The article will remain your content library.

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