Embedding the Calendar on your Website

To embed the Schoolzine Calendar on your own web page or portal you will need to copy the Calendar embed code from your Control Centre. Once you have the code, paste it into the HTML of your webpage or portal.

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Settings menu tab.
  2. Once expanded, select Calendar Settings.
    Note: If you have more than one Calendar, select which Calendar you would like to embed by clicking the View details button in the Actions column.
  3. Click on Embed Calendar.
  4. Copy embed code from the text box and paste it into the HTML of your web page or portal. If you would like to have a link to the Schoolzine Calendar for your website or portal you can copy the Direct Link.

The embed options for the Schoolzine Calendar

Calendar Embed Options

When embedding the Calendar, we provide a few options which change how the Calendar will display.

  • Embed Code.
    The first box displays script, which is used for embedding. It will display Javascript by default. This is the recommended language. The script can be adjusted to an iFrame by selecting the iFrame option.
  • Show Restricted.
    Selecting Show Restricted will display any events that have restricted tags. By default, events with restricted tags do not display on the Calendar.
  • Direct Link.
    This is a direct link to the Calendar page.
  • Event List.
    This option is used to customise the way the Upcoming Events Content Holder displays in the Side Panel. By default, it will display the events for the current month.

Secured Calendars

A Secured Calendar allows you to display events that are not intended to be viewed by your users. For example, you can create a secured Calendar to list staff events and then embed the secured Calendar on your staff portal.

To create a secured Calendar, you can use the Calendar embed code and select Show Restricted from the embed options. You can put the embed code on any of your webpages or staff portals.

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