Event Ticket Booking

The Schoolzine system features a booking system, so that your community can purchase tickets to an event.

Tickets can be easily added to any event. You can have multiple tickets applied to an event and they can be either free or paid.

Before tickets can be purchased, you will need to have a PayPal account linked to your Schoolzine account. If your tickets are free, you will not need to setup a payment system.

Click here to view an Example Booking

 If you would like to setup paid bookings or would like more information, please contact Schoolzine.

Adding Tickets to an Event

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Events menu tab.
  2. Search for the event you would like to add tickets to.
  3. Select the Event Name.
  4. Click on the Add Tickets button at the top right of the page.
  5. Give the ticket a Name eg. Adult Ticket.
  6. Select the Total Quantity Available. This is the total number of tickets available for this ticket type.
    Note: If you do not need to limit the amount of tickets available leave the quantity at zero.
  7. Select a Max Quantity Per Booking. This is the maximum number of tickets that can be purchased in one order.
    Note: The default quantity is 10.
  8. If required, include a ticket Description for the ticket type.
  9. If these are paid tickets and you have prior setup the ability for paid bookings in Schoolzine, set the Price, Tax and Total.
  10. Once saved, a Book Tickets button will appear on your event.

Handy Hints

  • You can setup free tickets, if you do not wish to have a cost associated with your event.
  • You can have multiple types of tickets available for an event, eg. Adult Ticket and Child Ticket. Simply repeat the add ticket process for each ticket type.
  • You can setup custom fields for tickets, if you need to gather certain information, such as dietary requirements or allergies. This can be done via attaching an Optional Web Form via the Event.

Ticket Overview

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Events menu tab.
  2. Search for the event.
  3. Select the Event Name.
  4. Click on the Tickets tab.
  5. You will be presented with an overview of the tickets attached to the event. After selecting a ticket type, you can Edit Ticket details, or Delete Ticket by selecting the corresponding icon from the top menu bar.

Viewing Ticket Bookings

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Events menu tab.
  2. Search for the event.
  3. Select the Event Name.
  4. Click on the View Bookings button.
  5. You will be presented with an overview of the tickets attached to the event, as well as all tickets purchased. You can see a more detailed breakdown of the ticket purchases by selecting the a purchase from the bottom list. You can also see if someone has made a purchase of a ‘paid’ ticket but not completed the payment for a ticket under the Unpaid Purchases section.
  6. If required, you can export an excel spreadsheet of all tickets purchased.
    Note: Unpaid purchases will not be included in this export.
  7. Should you need to delete a ticket record due to a ‘double-booking’ or an Unpaid Purchase, simply select the Date of Purchase, or the Tickets Sold section of the record you would like to remove and then click Delete Purchase.

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