How do I recall or edit a communication sent out?

If you have sent out a communication to your contacts and wish to recall or edit the message, please see your options below.


Once an email has been sent and delivered, you are unable to edit the content of the message, this is a limitation of email itself.  

If the communication contains an incorrect link to a page/file in your Schoolzine account, you can delete the page/file.

Alternatively, it would be advised to re-send the communication with the correct content.

You can send a test/proof of your messages via the ‘Review and Send’ tab.”


SZapp allows you to delete or edit messages at any point in time. Please see the guide below to assist you in doing so.


The Feed allows you to delete or edit messages at any point in time. Please see the guide below to assist you.


Once an SMS has been sent and delivered, you are unable to edit the content of the message, this is a limitation of SMS itself.  

If the communication contains an incorrect link to a page/file in your Schoolzine account, you can delete the page/file.

Alternatively, it would be advised to re-send the communication with the correct content.

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