Managing Session Keeper Attendants

Marking as attended

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Session Keeper menu tab.
  2. Click on the Session Name.
  3. Navigate to the Bookings tab.
  4. Click on the arrow icon to view the booking.
  5. Click on the Mark Attended button.

Deleting an Attendant

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Session Keeper menu tab.
  2. Click on the Session Name.
  3. Navigate to the Bookings tab.
  4. Click on the arrow icon to view the booking.
  5. Click the Delete Button.

Adding an Attendant

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Session Keeper menu tab.
  2. Click on the Session Name.
  3. Navigate to the Bookings tab.
  4. Click on the arrow icon to view the booking.
  5. Click the Add Attendant button.
  6. Then search for the contact and tick the box, then click ADD.

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