The SchoolzinePlus system allows you to easily create articles and events to populate your Stream. You can then collate this content at a later date, to send to your community in a newsletter.
Adding an Article to your Stream
- Log in to your Control Centre and select the Content menu tab.
- Once expanded, select Articles.
- Click the New Article button.
- Fill in the Title
- Apply a tag if relevant to your article. (optional)
- If you do not want your article to appear straight away, you can select a Publish Date to postpone the release of your content into the stream.
Note: The Closing and RSVP Date fields add a date to the article to indicate to your community when an item will end. The item will continue to display even after this date has passed. - If you wish to link the article to a DIY Newsletter or a Stream select the relevant option from Linked Newsletters or Linked Stream.
- Add your Article Content and apply any necessary styling using the toolbar menu, this includes inserting any hyperlinks, documents or images.
- Fill in any other required information, including Contact Person details, Location Details, and Supporting Files such as images or flyers as applicable.
- Once saved you will be able to view your article.
Quick Adding an Article
- Log in to your Control Centre and select the Streams menu tab.
- Click on the name of the Stream.
- Select the Quick Add Article button.
- Populate the Article Title field with the name of your article.
Note: A ‘read more’ button can be applied to the article by ticking the ‘Expandable’ tick box. - Add your Article Content and apply any necessary styling using the toolbar menu, this includes inserting any hyperlinks, documents or images.
- Click Save.
Adding an Event to your Stream
- Log in to your Control Centre and select the Events menu tab.
- Click the New Event button.
- Populate the event information, ensuring the Linked Streams field has the desired Stream applied.
- Click Save.