Populating your Stream

The SchoolzinePlus system allows you to easily create articles and events to populate your Stream. You can then collate this content at a later date, to send to your community in a newsletter.

Adding an Article to your Stream

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Content menu tab.
  2. Once expanded, select Articles.
  3. Click the New Article button.
  4. Fill in the Title
  5. Apply a tag if relevant to your article. (optional)
  6. If you do not want your article to appear straight away, you can select a Publish Date to postpone the release of your content into the stream.
    Note: The Closing and RSVP Date fields add a date to the article to indicate to your community when an item will end. The item will continue to display even after this date has passed.
  7. If you wish to link the article to a DIY Newsletter or a Stream select the relevant option from Linked Newsletters or Linked Stream.
  8. Add your Article Content and apply any necessary styling using the toolbar menu, this includes inserting any hyperlinks, documents or images.
  9. Fill in any other required information, including Contact Person details, Location Details, and Supporting Files such as images or flyers as applicable.
  10. Once saved you will be able to view your article.

Quick Adding an Article

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Streams menu tab.
  2. Click on the name of the Stream.
  3. Select the Quick Add Article button.
  4. Populate the Article Title field with the name of your article.
    Note: A ‘read more’ button can be applied to the article by ticking the ‘Expandable’ tick box.
  5. Add your Article Content and apply any necessary styling using the toolbar menu, this includes inserting any hyperlinks, documents or images.
  6. Click Save.

Adding an Event to your Stream

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Events menu tab.
  2. Click the New Event button.
  3. Populate the event information, ensuring the Linked Streams field has the desired Stream applied.
  4. Click Save.

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