Preparing for your First Newsletter

Before putting together your first newsletter, there are a few things you will need to do to get you started.

Preparing a Template Folder

We recommend setting up a template folder, which you can then copy and rename for each newsletter. This will help save you time and make it easier for you to compile each newsletter.

Inside your template folder you should have:

  • Image folder
  • Other folder
  • Schoolzine Newsletter Template word document

Download the Schoolzine Newsletter Template and Example Newsletter Template

The Schoolzine Newsletter Template is used for submitting your newsletter content. This template has built in custom styles for you to use, that allows Schoolzine to format your content accurately.

Click here to download the Schoolzine Newsletter Template

Check out our Example Template to see the best way to prepare your newsletter content.

Click here to download the Example Newsletter Template

Download the Image ReSZizer

As you will be uploading content to us through your Control Centre, the file size of your images is very important. Large files may experience lengthy upload times, and if the file size is too big, you will not be able to upload it at all.

We recommend you that download the Schoolzine Image ReSZizer to process your images. This software is free and allows you to resize all of your images at the same time.

Click here to download the Schoolzine Image ReSZizer for Windows

Click here to download the Schoolzine Image ReSZizer for Mac

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