Reviewing Submitted Content

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Tickbox icon (shown right) from the top menu ribbon.
  2. From the list, select the Name of the Article or Event you would like to review.
    Note: you can also review the Notes to Administrator, if your community has supplied you this content, by hovering on the speech bubble icon.
  3. When viewing the Article/Event you can either View or Edit. If you wish to approve the content you can do so from the list view. If you wish to edit the publish date of the article, select the Edit button, then adjust the date as required (The publish date is relevant to the order in which feed articles display).

Note: You can also review at any time who has Approved or Rejected content within your Control Centre.The overview page of a submitted article

Approving/Rejecting Submitted Content

  1. Log in to your Control Centre and select the Tickbox icon (shown right) from the top menu ribbon.
  2. From this list view you may Approve or Reject the Article/Event using the options under the Approve column.
    Note: you can also review the Notes to Administrator, if your community has supplied you this content, by hovering on the speech bubble icon.

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