Secured Calendars

A Secured calendar allows you to display events that are not intended to be viewed by your users. For example, you can create a secured calendar to list staff events and embed the secured calendar on your staff portal. To create a secured calendar, you can use the calendar embed code and select Show Restricted from the embed options. You can put the embed code on any of your webpages or staff portals. For details on how to find the embed code for your website and selecting the Show Restricted option, read the Calendar Embed Section.

To add secure events to your calendar you should create a Restricted calendar event tag and then assign your secured events to that tag. Below are detailed steps on how to do this:

1. Login to your SchoolzinePlus Admin Console and select the Content menu tab.
2. Once expanded, select Events and click the View Tags button.
3. Create a new tag by clicking the Add Tag button.
4. Select a name and colour for your restricted tag. Make sure you also select the Restricted tick box.
5. Once saved you will be able to assign this restricted tag to events.

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