Summitting My Newsletter Content

Before submitting your Newsletter content you will need to prepare the following items:

  • Completed Content Document
  • 1 Zip Folder containing your Images and Galleries
  • 1 Zip Folder containing your Attachments and Media Files

Once your Files are assembled, use the link below to submit your Content – 

Add your School Details and Estimated Distribution Date:


Upload your Newsletter Document:


Upload your Image Zip Folder:


Note – Prior to uploading your content you will need to resize ALL of your images. This step is completed to make sure your upload does not breach the 150mb upload cap, as well as allowing you to upload your content in a timely manner. See the below guide for more information on how to install and use the Schoolzine Image ReSZizer – 

Upload your Attachment Zip Folder:


Any Additional Comments or Notes for the Team can be added here:


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