6 Reasons to Ditch PDF Newsletters: How It’s Negatively Effecting Your School Engagement

In today’s digital age, effective communication between schools and parents is more crucial than ever. Newsletters play a significant role in facilitating this communication, providing updates, announcements, and insights into school life. However, the use of PDF newsletters is increasingly outdated and ineffective. Despite many schools still relying on creating newsletters in Word and exporting […]

Building School Websites: Your Questions Answered

In an era where technology plays a crucial role in education, having a well-designed and functional school website is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. A school’s website serves as a virtual front door, providing students, parents, and the entire community with important information and insights into the institution’s values and offerings. However, embarking […]

Newsletter Mastery: 6 Tips for Quicker, Quality School Newsletters

In the digital age, newsletters remain an invaluable tool for schools to connect with their audience. However, the challenge lies in creating newsletters that are both efficient to produce and engaging for readers. To help you strike this balance, we’ve come up with 6 expert tips for crafting quick, quality newsletters. 1. Define Your Purpose: […]

School Newsletter Examples to Spark Inspiration

School newsletters play a vital role in fostering effective communication between schools and parents, keeping them informed about important events, activities, and achievements. However, it can be challenging to create newsletters that truly engage the school community. That’s where Schoolzine comes in! As a leading platform for school newsletters, Schoolzine provides innovative tools and features […]

Choosing a School Newsletter Software: What To Look For

School newsletters play a pivotal part in the educational ecosystem, serving as a direct line of communication between schools, parents, students, and the broader community. In this digitally-driven age, selecting the right platform to create, manage, and distribute these crucial messages is essential. This blog will delve into the integral features of an ideal newsletter […]

Important emergency numbers for you and your child:

Lifeline: Anyone having a personal crisis 13 11 14 or via lifeline.org.au Beyond Blue: Anyone feeling anxious or depressed 1300 22 46 36 or via beyondblue.org.au Mensline Australia: Men with emotional concerns 1300 789 978 or via mensline.org.au Suicide Call Back Service: Anyone thinking about suicide 1300 659 467 or via suicidecallbackservice.org.au Kids Helpline: Counselling […]

Wonde Valid Contacts Report Example

Valid Contacts shows you all the contacts that have been synced through by Wonde, with all of their details such as Email, Mobile, Address, Student(s) linked, and more. “Mobile Number / Email Address”: {         “id“: “AXXXXXXXXX”,         “mis_id”: “XXX”,         “upi”: “XXXXXXXXX”,         “title”: “Mr / Mrs”,         “initials”: “XX”,         “surname“: “Xxxxx”,         […]

Wonde Student Report Example

Student Contacts show you the list of Students that have been synced through by Wonde. It will also show information such as what Classes and Year Groups they have been linked to. Below is some example content that will be generated by the report: “AXXXXXXX”,         “upi”: “XXXX”,         “mis_id”: “XXXX”,         “initials”: ,         […]

Session Keeper Parent Booking Guide

The following guide will instruct you on the process needed to book an appointment through Schoolzine’s Session Keeper System. You will also be able to cancel your booking and rebook if required. 1. Navigate to the Session Keeper URL, enter your Email Address and select Login. 2. Click Send to receive an email and set […]


PREVIEWING YOUR HANDBOOK Whilst building your Handbook you will be able to review your changes on the online version, by navigating to the specific Handbook, and selecting the ‘Preview‘ Button to open another window of your Handbook. SENDING A PROOF The Send Proof functionality allows you to send through a digital copy of your Handbook […]