FAQs – Web Forms

The following will guide you through frequently asked questions about Schoolzine Web Forms. For more information on Web Forms, please read the following article.

How do I link a Web Form to a tile on SZapp?

The Schoolzine Platform has the ability to integrate your Schoolzine Web Forms with your SZapp for your community. Web Forms are created in your Schoolzine Control Centre and then are linked to a tile within your SZapp.

For more information on this process, please read the following article.

Creating a Web Form (eForm)

Web Forms (eForms) are a great way to set up after school clubs, gather parental consent and organise school trips. Any form that you usually must print and send home, and then sort out once they are returned can be digitalised through the Schoolzine platform.

For more information, please read the following article.